We are so used to using phrases like, “That was AWESOME!” or “He/She is AMAZING !” I often find we have “dumbed-down” those words to mean little more than something good, fun, or exciting. Rarely do we literally mean a feeling of “AWE,” that catching off guard found only in true ‘amazement’ that would speak against reality’s odds of occurrence. So, when my first thought concerning my recent return from South America was, “That was an AMAZING trip!” I began to check my own comment.
Why? Why was this trip amazing? Was it due to the fact that everything I thought and hoped would happen…did? Was it because God provided for my financial needs for the trip and my family just 2 days before we left, in His incredible and often playful timing? Was it because of the numerous relationships and additional doors opened up to countries around the world that I had not even counted upon before? Or, was it that I had now more clearly grasped the immense plan of salvation that God has unfolded in our Universe, demonstrated in the redemptive story of His beloved mankind. Moreover, that He has invited me to take an active role in such a love story!
That is it! When, I looked at the source of my strength, the source of my joy, and the very reason why I do what I do, I felt that rush of euphoric “amazement.” It was due to the nature of how and who the Great I Am…is. He constantly chooses to work through and in the lives of humankind. He chose long ago to create us for a relationship. He chose to redeem that relationship via His own great sacrifice after we broke and confused it. He still elects fallible men and women engaged in their newly redeemed relationship to accomplish His wonderful will and even allows us a part in the proclamation to others of that very redemptive act by which we are allowed communion with Him. In other words, the fact that God Himself chooses to use my imperfect hands, mouth, and ways is AMAZING! More over, He doesn’t “use” my efforts in the sense of a task master or slave owner would use their servants. Rather, He invites me to join along side of Him in the garden of life, much like that of a father inviting his little girl to get her small work boots and spade (both gifts from the father, enabling the task) and join him outside in the field. Are you kidding me? I can even hear the echo of “YAY” sounding similar to what my own 4 little girls would sing in unison at such an opportunity. However, my soul is the owner of that exclaimed song which rings from my heart to the God that I know as Abba, inviting me to walk with Him.
YES! “Amazement” perfectly describes what I feel…I am overwhelmingly amazed at His invitation!
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